

最近在YAHOO購物中心看到普羅可菲夫:灰姑娘 (2CD),真的很喜歡。

普羅可菲夫:灰姑娘 (2CD)

  • 普羅可菲夫畢生作品中最旋律優美且通俗的作品
  • 非常的詼諧且有趣,場景也多變巧妙

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    普羅可菲夫:灰姑娘 Prokofiev: Cinderella

    Vladimir Ashkenazy

    「灰姑娘」一劇的音樂被公認是普羅可菲夫畢生作品中最旋律優美且通俗的作品,也因此受到音樂廳和芭蕾劇院的歡迎,自從一九四五年在波修瓦劇院首演後,世界各大劇院也紛紛推出這份舞碼。首演由札卡洛夫(Rostislav Zakharov)編舞。他是波修瓦芭蕾舞團從一九三六到六零年長達二十四年間的首席編舞家。首演的芭蕾舞伶則是烏蘭諾娃(Galina Ulanova),被譽為二十世紀最偉大的芭蕾舞伶之一。生前在莫斯科的住家現已成為國家級博物館,在聖彼得堡和斯德哥爾摩也有她的紀念碑。她因為舞風平實,高雅、柔軟、迷人,而被俄國領導人史達林欽點為波修瓦劇院首席舞者,在此位上長達十六年之久。她到倫敦巡演時,更被譽為是帕芙洛娃之後最轟動的演出。連鋼琴家李希特、指揮家穆拉汶斯基都拜倒在她絕妙的舞技之下。


    Sound Tracks:

    CD?1 50.31

    Act One
    [1] No.1 Introduction 2.38
    [2] No.2 Shawl dance 3.24
    [3] No.3 Cinderella 3.07
    [4] No.4 The Father 2.34
    [5] No.5 The Fairy Godmother 2.15
    [6] No.6 The Sisters’ new clothes 1.08
    [7] No.7 The dancing lesson 3.53
    [8] No.8 Departure of the?Stepmother and Sisters for the ball 1.23
    [9] No.9 Cinderella dreams of the ball 2.16
    [10] No.10 Gavotte 2.14
    [11] No.11 Second appearance of the Fairy Godmother 1.28
    [12] No.12 Spring Fairy 1.16
    [13] No.13 Summer Fairy 1.35
    [14] No.14 Grasshoppers and Dragonflies 0.47
    [15] No.15 Autumn Fairy 1.28
    [16] No.16 Winter Fairy 1.13
    [17] No.17 The interrupted departure 0.48
    [18] No.18 The clock 1.15
    [19] No9 Cinderella’s departure for the ball 2.00

    Act Two
    [20] No.20 Dance of the courtiers 2.28
    [21] No.21 Court dance 1.43
    [22] No.22 Cavaliers’ dance 1.31
    [23] No.23 Skinny’s variation 0.50
    [24] No.24 Dumpy’s variation 1.36
    [25] No.25 Dance of the courtiers (reprise) 0.49
    [26] No.26 Mazurka and entrance of the Prince 3.12
    [27] No.27 Dance of the Prince’s four companions 0.57
    [28] No.28 Mazurka (reprise) 2.40

    CD 2 57.05

    [1] No.29 Cinderella’s arrival at the ball 2.58
    [2] No.30 Grand waltz 5.19
    [3] No.31 Promenade 1.35
    [4] No.32 Cinderella’s dance 1.29
    [5] No.33 Dance of the Prince 1.03
    [6] No.34 Refreshments for the guests 1.17
    [7] No.35 Duet of the Sisters with the oranges 1.29
    [8] No.36 Duet of the Prince and Cinderella 4.41
    [9] No.37 Waltz-coda 1.36
    [10] No.38 Midnight 2.13

    Act Three
    [11] No.39 The Prince and the cobblers 1.49
    [12] No.40 First galop of the Prince 1.33
    [13] No.41 Temptation 3.22
    [14] No.42 Second galop of the Prince 0.55
    [15] No.43 Oriental dance 2.17
    [16] No.44 Third galop of the Prince 1.22
    [17] No.45 Cinderella’s awakening 4.29
    [18] No.46 The morning after the ball 2.23
    [19] No.47 The Prince’s visit 3.40
    [20] No.48 The Prince recognises Cinderella 2.40

    The Cleveland Orchestra
    Vladimir Ashkenazy

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